Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary, BAE Systems, Inc.

Alice Eldridge joined BAE in 2012 as Chief Counsel for Platforms and Services and became General Counsel in 2019. She previously led legal teams for multiple divisions at Lockheed Martin Corporation, and was also Vice President of Ethics and Business Conduct. Alice has also served on the board of the Montgomery County Adult English Literacy Council and was Chair of the International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct.
As part of LCLD's Leaders at the Front initiative, Alice created a Leader's Pledge detailing her personal and organizational commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Read Alice's pledge here.
BAE has been named a top company for female engineers and won the Corporate Community Service and Education Partnership Award from the National Society of Black Engineers. Among other practices, BAE uses a Diversity and Inclusion Maturity Matrix to show how competitive advantages increase with greater application of inclusive practices. BAE was named an LCLD Most Active Member Corporation in 2018.
Joined LCLD 2014
Highlights of LCLD Participation
Fellows Program
Hosted Leadership Lunch (2017, 2015)
Fellows nominated:
2020: Franklin Parker; 2019: Richard Sexton; 2018: Lauren Schlanger, Sarah Ann Maguire; 2016: Sarah Massuch, Michael Lemoyne Smith; 2015: Benjamin Kacher, Patricia Tarabelsi
Pathfiners Program
Pathfinders nominated:
2020: Nicole Tatro
Success in Law School Program
Mentors provided: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2015
Annual Meeting (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)
Leadership Summit (2022, 2021, 2019, 2015)
Member: Alice Eldridge