Managing Counsel, Nestle USA, Inc.

With both a JD and an MBA (Finance) from the University of San Francisco, Daniel Nugent joined Nestle USA in 2013 after nearly a decade at Nissan North America. Nestle USA's commitment to diversity and inclusion ranges from a policy of gender balance (43 percent of managerial roles are now held by women) to cultural agility, cross-generational leadership, and empowering LGBT+ communities in the workplace.
As part of LCLD's Leaders at the Front initiative, Dan created a Leader's Pledge detailing his personal and organizational commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Read Dan's pledge here.
Joined LCLD 2019
Highlights of LCLD Participation
Fellows Program
Fellows nominated:
2021: Sheea Sybblis; 2020: Barbara Sanchez, Ebony Douglas
Pathfinder Program
Pathfinders selected:
2021: Megan Seth, Varsha Mangal, Monika Gest
1L Scholars Program
2021: Brandon Tuell, Gabriela Duenas, Melanie Fuenmayor; 2020: Krupa Zachariah, Abi Hernandez
Success in Law School Mentoring Program
Mentors provided: 2021, 2020
Annual Meeting (2021, 2020, 2019)
Leadership Summit (2021)
Member: Daniel Nugent
Communications: John Morton