Principal Partner and Chief Financial Officer, Kelley Kronenberg 

As Principal Partner and CFO, Heath Eskalyo has been instrumental in growing Kelley Kronenberg's national presence, including through adding a leading children's practice, developing several business development initiatives, and leading many of the firm's practice areas. Heath also directs the firm's philanthropic efforts and is involved in Florida’s Children First, a non-profit that works to save abused and neglected children.  

Kelley Kronenberg is proud that its C-suite is 50% minority and 37.5% female; additionally, almost half of all attorneys are women and almost a third are people of color. In 2020, the firm revamped its diversity and inclusion efforts, including integrating diversity into its recruitment, leadership assessment, and training. 

Joined LCLD 2021

Highlights of LCLD Participation 

Fellows Program
Fellows nominated: 
2023: Elliott Halsey; 2022: Anne Skinner; 2021: Harsh Arora

Pathfinder Program
Pathfinders selected:
2023: Erica Showell; 2022: Caroline Cimei, Gary Williams; 2021: Alison TrejoShirley Pimentel

1L LCLD Scholars Program
Scholars hosted:
2022: Megan Williams; 2021: Vitor Machado 

Members: Heath EskalyoMichael Fichtel

Diversity Professionals: Caroline Cimei

Communications: Michelle Martinez Reyes