Firm Management Committee Member, Pirkey Barber PLLC
Jered Matthysse joined Pirkey Barber in 2009 after serving as a law clerk for the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. He became a Member of the firm in 2015 and now serves on its Management Committee. Jered is a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation and a member of the Austin Intellectual Property Law Association. In his free time, he enjoys biking and rooting for the Colts, Cubs, Pacers, and Hawkeyes.
As part of LCLD's Leaders at the Front initiative, Jered created a Leader's Pledge detailing his personal and organizational commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Read Jered's pledge here.
In 2020, Pirkey Barber held a series of firm-wide townhalls to learn about the ongoing social injustices experienced by people of color and explore how the firm could most effectively reject racism and discrimination and create a more diverse environment. The firm also has a Diversity Committee and a Strategic Diversity Management Plan.
Joined LCLD 2021
Fellows Program
Fellows selected:
2023: Alexandra Bistline; 2022: Rebecca McCurry; 2021: David Armendariz
Pathfinder Program
Pathfinders selected:
2022: Giulio Yaquinto, Emily Poole; 2021: Danae Robinson, Samuel Combs
Leadership Summit (2022, 2021)
Member: Jered Matthysse
Diversity Professional: Tina Terrian
Communications: Natalie Douglas