Chair, Spencer Fane LLP 

Patrick Whalen became Chair of Spencer Fane in 2013, and has led it to become one of the fastest growing AmLaw 200 firms in the country. In 2020, he led the firm to join the Law Firm Antiracism Alliance and implemented unconscious bias training for all employees. Patrick also serves on the Board of Directors of the Civic Council of Greater Kansas City and the Advisory Committee of the Managing Partner Institute.

As part of LCLD's Leaders at the Front initiative, Patrick created a Leader's Pledge detailing his personal and organizational commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Read Patrick's pledge here

Other diversity efforts at Spencer Fane include a diversity committee, a women's affinity group, mentorship, and participation in external diversity organizations. 

Joined LCLD 2021

Highlights of LCLD Participation 

Fellows Program
Fellows nominated: 
2023: Valentine Uduebor; 2022: Brian Peterson; 2021: Linda Jane Knight 

Pathfinder Program
Pathfinders selected:
2023: Brittainy Joyner, Kristen Walker; 2022: Natalie WashingtonJackie Wilhite; 2021: Jeremy Rucker, Gulmina Shah

Member: Patrick Whalen

Diversity Professional: Elizabeth Wente, James Crumlin, Bernadette J.H. Lawson

Communications: Taylor Hayslett