Managing Partner, Paul Hastings LLP
Sherrese Smith became Managing Partner of Paul Hastings in 2013 and is also Vice Chair of the firm's Data Privacy and Cybersecurity practice and a partner in the Media, Technology, and Telecommunications practice. Before joining Paul Hastings, Sherrese served as Chief Counsel to Chairman Julius Genachowski at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and was Vice President and General Counsel of Washington Post Digital. She is also a Board Member of America’s Public Television Stations. In 2020, Sherrese was a finalist for Chambers and Partners' Diversity & Inclusion Lawyer of the Year award for her work spearheading a variety of D&I programs and initiatives.
Paul Hastings has been ranked a No. 1 LGBT employer, a top five company for ethnic minority partners, and in the top 20 for overall diversity. One of the firm’s most recent diversity initiatives was a partnership with The Williams Institute at the UCLA law school and the National Women’s Center to oppose California’s ban on gay marriage. Paul Hastings also has 23 attorney networks that promote an inclusive culture.
Joined LCLD 2014
Highlights of LCLD Participation
Fellows Program
Hosted Leadership Lunch (2015)
Fellows nominated:
2023: Navi Dhillon; 2022: Sandra Gonzalez; 2021: Ashley Mays-Williams; 2020: Jason Fiebig; 2019: Russell Franklin; 2018: Jane Yoon; 2017: Trevor Katende; 2016: Jill Yung; 2015: David Makso; 2014: Daniel Prince
Pathfinders Program
Pathfinders nominated:
2023: Ray Hernandez; 2020: Breanne Palmer, Sean Mitchell;
Success in Law School Mentoring Program
Mentors Provided: 2017
Annual Meeting (2018, 2016)
Members: Sherrese Smith, Frank Lopez
Diversity Professional: Karlie Ilaria