The Second Meeting of the 2019 LCLD Fellows took place September 23-25, 2019 at the Hilton National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Please see below for an outline of the meeting agenda. Please see the "Resources" section at the bottom of the page for a detailed version of the agenda, directions to the Hilton and nearby attractions, and instructions for downloading AgendaPop, the meeting event app.
For questions about the meeting or agenda, please contact Nichole Velasquez, Fellows Program Manager.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Registration (2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m)
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Nichole Velasquez, Fellows Program Manager, LCLD
Just Belonging: How to Have Courageous Conversations on Race & Bias
Kori Carew, Chief Inclusion & Diversity Officer, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
What's Working Breakout Sessions
Welcome Reception with LCLD Members
Hosted by the LCLD Board of Directors at the National Portrait Gallery, located at 8th and F Streets, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Small Group Breakout Sessions
Networking Lunch
Resilience - The Key to Moving from Surviving to Thriving
John Mitchell, "The Purple Coach" and Owner, KM Advisors, LLC
Messaging and Presence
Chris De Santis, Specialist in Management and Organization Development
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Feedback and Accountability Matters
Mary E. Abbajay, President & Co-Founder, Careerstone Group, LLC
Closing Remarks
Nichole Velasquez, Fellows Program Manager, LCLD
Meeting concludes at 12:00 p.m. ET
See below for a detailed PDF version of the agenda.
Photo Gallery
Photography by Wilma Jackson