Kristina Lawson
Managing Partner — Hanson Bridgett LLP
I, Kristina Lawson, personally commit to the following:
Personal Commitment
- Participate actively in local community organizations, such as Rise Up Against Racism and its Community Antiracism Reading and Engagement Program.
- Conduct a pay equity audit for all levels of the firm and remedy any disparities.
- Boost the representation of diverse lawyers in firm leadership positions and across client relationships by taking proactive and intentional steps to promote such lawyers.
- Attend at least 75% of trainings, town halls, and book club moderated discussions organized by the firm's Real Action Calling For Equity (RACE) Task Force each year.
- Participate in 50 hours of pro bono work per year and seek out opportunities that target racial injustice and inequity.
- Serve as supervisor to the firm's Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer and provide support for the diversity and equity initiatives outlined in the CDEIO annual plan.
- Meaningfully participate in external diversity organizations, including LCLD, CMCP, USLAW, the new Law Firm Anti-Racism Alliance, and local law school/bar association affinity groups.
Organizational Commitment
- Apply to become Mansfield 4.0 certified in 2021.
- Review and expand the firm leadership policy to increase the number of diverse attorneys considered for leadership appointments.
- Establish new diversity goals for hiring and retention of attorneys and professional staff.
- Evaluate and monitor firm-wide mentoring programs to improve equity and opportunities for success.
- Provide robust DE&I training opportunities to the entire firm through the RACE Task Force Anti-Racist Boot Camp and internal cultural sensitivity initiatives.
- Require Section and Practice Group Leaders to incorporate DE&I goals in annual strategic plans that align with and help achieve the firm's DE&I goals.
- Strengthen relationships with local law schools and increase the diversity pipeline to the legal profession through Hanson Bridgett's annual 1L Interview Workshop, and by providing fellowships and scholarship opportunities to diverse law students through the Gerald Marcus Fellowship at Berkeley Law School, John Vlahos Endowed Scholarship Fund at Hastings School of Law and Sacramento County Bar Association Diversity Fellowship Program.
- Examine and remedy Hanson Bridgett's own policies and processes to eliminate unconscious bias or inequities and develop additional firm policies that invest in and support diversity and equity. Examples include: evaluation and promotion policies for attorneys and staff, originations/credit sharing policies, creditable hours policies.
- Develop alternative system for diverse attorneys to raise and report any work-related concerns, that is focused on immediate and informal resolution.
- Refocus firm's pro bono efforts to provide greater investment in pro bono work that targets racial injustice and inequity, including establishing a one-year fellowship for a first year attorney to focus on racial justice work and expanding the number of non-legal volunteer opportunities for racial justice and equity work available for administrative professionals to participate in.
- Provide direct assistance to diverse businesses owners, including continuing support of HB's founder's grant for Black and Latinx founded Silicon Valley start-ups, providing them with pro bono legal advice and growth support, expansion of HB's partnership with B Lab to assist BIPOC-owned companies in obtaining B Corp. status, and partnering with the Bay Area Organization of Black Owned Businesses to provide legal training workshops to their members.
- Expand the firm's charitable matching program to include organizations focused on achieving racial justice and by prioritizing the use of diverse vendors.
- Establish external vendor policy that prioritizes Hanson Bridgett spending its own dollars with diverse and women owned business vendors.