I, Dan Nugent, personally commit to the following:

Personal Commitment

  • Incorporate specific D&I goals into my personal performance objectives for 2021.
  • Organize functional D&I committee with monthly meetings, specific specific goals, and regular activities.
  • Mentor and sponsor diverse talent in my organization.
  • Sponsor and participate in Nestlé employee resource groups promoting diversity.
  • Actively engage in LCLD programs. 
  • Advocate for greater diversity, equity and inclusion.

Organizational Commitment

  • Ensure development plans exist for all diverse talent in our department, and that the resources and support exist to fulfill those plans. 
  • Perform compensation review within department to ensure pay equity.
  • Build talent pipelines that include, for each position, at least one gender and one ethnically diverse candidate.
  • Ensure all candidate slates and interview panels include diverse candidates. 
  • Sponsor three LCLD 1L scholars in partnership with three law firms.
  • Provide programs throughout the year to promote organizational learning on D&I. 
  • Partner with our external law firms to promote and measure diverse staffing on Nestlé matters.


  • Spend a minimum of two hours per week on efforts to advance D&I. 
  • Measure diverse staffing on Nestlé matters in 2020.
  • Develop goals for staffing for 2021.
  • Meet with our top 10 billing law firms to discuss actions to increase diverse representation for 2021. 

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