I, Dana S. Armagno, personally commit to the following:

Personal Commitment 

  • I personally commit to promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion at all levels of Vedder Price P.C.
  • I will use my position as a leader at Vedder Price P.C. to advocate for diversity and inclusion in my firm, in my community and in the legal profession.
  • As the Operating Shareholder, I will use my platform to advocate for the advancement of women and diverse lawyers within the firm.
  • I will meet annually with at least three other community members to discuss how to promote diversity and inclusion in the legal community.
  • I will meet annually with my firm’s LCLD Fellows and Pathfinders in one-on-one sessions to discuss their experiences within the firm and to generate ideas for change.
  • I will meet each summer with our Diversity & Inclusion 1L Scholars to discuss their experiences with the firm.

Organizational Commitment 

  • Continue to commit firm resources, including investing in full-time diversity and inclusion staff, training and educational programming, to foster and support an inclusive workforce.
  • Evaluate work assignment processes for associates to ensure there is parity in work allocation to associates. 
  • Engage in knowledge sharing best practices with clients and leaders in other firms around diversity and inclusion.
  • Strengthen the pipeline of women and diverse lawyers at the firm by periodically reviewing our recruitment strategies.
  • Grow the firm’s internal leadership pipeline by devoting firm resources to building client relationship and business development skills of our women and diverse lawyers.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion with our practice area and group leaders by making it a standing item agenda and have practice area and group leaders report on the metrics of their groups.

Make a move,
join the movement.

Make Your Pledge