Joseph Hanna
Management Committee Member — Goldberg Segalla
I, Joseph Hanna, personally commit to the following:
Personal Commitment
- Continue using my position at Goldberg Segalla to affect positive results in attitudes and actions that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion for our colleagues, our clients, and our communities
- Spearhead the firm’s DEI initiative, maintaining a high level of awareness and giving DEI a voice in decision making at the highest level
- Spend time with our ethnically/racially diverse, women and LGBTQ+ attorneys and staff, take note of their experiences and suggestions, and support their success by taking action on what I have learned
- Establish an expectation that all leaders at the firm will advocate for our women lawyers and attorneys of color
- Encourage the diverse attorneys at our firm to continue their work as leaders and tireless advocates in diversity-, inclusion-, and equity-focused professional and community organizations outside the firm
- Continue championing the LCLD’s mission to create a truly diverse U.S. legal profession, supporting LCLD action programs designed to help a more diverse generation of attorneys rise to positions of leadership, and consciously and consistently taking steps to produce tangible results within our firm
- Utilize my active association with the ABA Judicial Internship Opportunity Program (JIOP) to provide networking and learning opportunities to students who are members of racial and ethnic groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession
Organizational Commitment
- Ensure that the firm’s policies and practices for talent acquisition, promotion, and compensation are in keeping with our DEI focus and help to build strong, diverse teams that can provide better solutions for our clients
- Continue to emphasize recruiting activities within diverse student organizations in law schools across the country
- Systematically offer our ethnically/racially diverse, women and LGBTQ+ attorneys both the resources and the opportunities necessary to thrive and succeed within the firm
- Ensure the fair distribution of career-enhancing work by providing ethnically/racially diverse, women and LGBTQ+ attorneys with opportunities for active involvement in client team assignments
- Support the elevation and retention of our diverse attorneys by consciously increasing their representation in the candidate pools for practice group leadership, committees within practice groups, and partner promotions
- Prioritize and implement Mansfield Rule principles with the goal of achieving certification in 2022- 23
- Communicate and celebrate the successes of our diverse attorneys throughout the broad legal and business communities, demonstrating that embracing diversity contributes to greater overall success
- Maintain our involvement in local, statewide, and national networking events that bring together members of minority bar associations, students, business and community leaders, and others to promote diversity, create mentor-protégé relationships, and facilitate recruiting opportunities in law and business
- Continue participating in programs and partnerships that help more ethnically/racially diverse, women and LGBTQ+ students to pursue a law degree, to experience the legal system firsthand through mentoring and internships, and to graduate law school prepared for a successful career
- Require all attorneys and staff firm wide to take part in annual DEI training in order to better understand unconscious bias and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the firm