Matthew Feldman
Chairman — Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
I, Matthew Feldman, personally commit to the following:
Personal Commitment
- Meet regularly with clients to develop and maintain partnerships to enhance our DE&I efforts, and continue to seek opportunities to partner with clients on LCLD 1L Scholars and similar pipeline programs.
- Continue to meet quarterly with the firm’s Black Affinity Group and as desired by other firm affinity groups to discuss the members’ experiences and otherwise ensure they have a voice.
- Ensure that the firm’s Executive Committee remains at least 40% diverse and includes a member of DE&I leadership, such that DE&I consistently has a seat at the table. Likewise ensure a high diverse representation among office managing partners, practice group heads, and other areas of firm leadership.
- Work with the firm’s Talent Management team to lead our efforts to become Mansfield Certified and, ultimately, Mansfield Certified Plus, as the firm continues to advance diversity in our leadership ranks.
- Continue to serve as an active member of the firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
- Meet annually with partners of color to discuss successes and challenges as well as potential areas for support.
Organizational Commitment
- Use the LCLD 1L Scholars program as an opportunity to recruit from a broader range of schools, targeting schools with large diverse populations.
- Work to create more concrete metrics to evaluate partners’ efforts to advance DE&I, including with respect to succession planning and team demographics and leadership opportunities. Continue to use DE&I as a compensation metric for partners.
- Work to create metrics to more closely track the demographics of pitch teams and how they correlate to the teams ultimately assigned to perform the work.
- Continue to work with the firm’s Task Force on Retention and Inclusion to ensure work is assigned equitably, meeting monthly with assigning partners to review work allocation.
- Work to formalize our current sponsorship program and develop corresponding metrics.
- Continue to offer extensive wellness programming and otherwise prioritize the mental health of all firm personnel.