Rob Fletcher
Vice President, Chief Legal Officer — Stryker
I, Rob Fletcher, personally commit to the following:
Personal Commitments
- I will ensure my team makes measurable progress in Stryker’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) goals: (i) strengthen the diversity of our workforce; (ii) advance a culture of inclusion, engagement and belonging; and (iii) maximize the power of inclusion to drive innovation and growth.
- I will use my voice and position to advocate for DE&I within Stryker, my team and my community. I will foster a culture where each individual feels like they are seen, heard and valued at Stryker, and I will hold my team accountable for the same.
- I will ensure that DE&I is addressed in all elements of our talent offense such as development opportunities, special assignments, talent reviews and succession planning.
- I will continue to be the executive sponsor for Stryker’s African Ancestry Network. I will use my voice and my influence to establish and advance the goals of that group, and I will also use this as a personal opportunity to build relationships and sponsorship with diverse talent at Stryker.
- I will be an ally for diverse colleagues at Stryker and will serve as a role model for others in my allyship by uncovering and addressing my own unconscious biases. I will strive to be a more inclusive leader and I will ask my team to hold me accountable if anything I say or do impacts their feeling of belonging.
- I will have a diverse slate of candidates and a diverse slate of interviewers for any role that I hire.
- I will mentor and sponsor diverse talent within my team and more broadly within Stryker.
Organizational Commitments
- DE&I is, and will continue to be, a core component of our Legal & Compliance department’s Strategic Priorities. We will recognize and reward those on our team who embody the principles of DE&I.
- We will hold ourselves accountable for having diverse slates and diverse interview panels. We will evaluate our processes and systems related to hiring, evaluation and promotion to understand and address any inherent biases or inequities.
- We will prioritize DE&I in our selection of outside counsel and will hold our firms accountable for staffing our matters with talent with different backgrounds and perspectives. We will reward those firms that lead on DE&I, in particular those who have diverse partners managing our relationship. We will push our key law firms to make meaningful progress on DE&I not only with respect to Stryker work, but also more broadly across the firm.
- We will establish a program to encourage and recognize pro bono work from our team, and we will support pro bono groups that further Stryker’s DE&I goals.
- We will strive to exceed any DE&I goals established by Stryker.