Compiled for the LCLD Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.

If you have questions about the Digest, or articles you'd like to share, please email Caitlin Puffenberger at

This week in news related to diversity and inclusion, three LCLD Members are recognized for successful female retention strategies and data finds law firms are slowly growing more diverse. 

1. U.S. Law Firms Slowly Growing More Diverse, Survey Shows

The National Law Journal, 2/17/15 

Diversity at law firms continued to grow in 2014, according to data released this week by the National Association for Law Placement.

  • Minority associates have had small gains each year since 2010, but 2014 brought the single largest annual increase – from 20.93 to 21.63 percent.
  • The percentage of minority partners grew from 7.10 in 2013 to 7.33 in 2014.
  • By city, Los Angeles and San Francisco have the best overall diversity numbers.
  • In San Francisco, Seattle, and Detroit, 25 percent of partners are women, and in Miami, 29 percent of partners are minorities. 

2. 6 Ways to Get Women Into Leadership Positions and Keep Them There

Fast Company, 2/17/15

Three LCLD Members and and one partner organization were highlighted for successful retention of female leaders through the following strategies:

  • IBM’s “reverse mentoring” pairs top (often male) leaders with up-and-coming female mentors, so both can learn leadership skills and break down unconscious bias.
  • Chevron provides on-site fitness and self-care facilities so that employees, especially women, can take care of personal needs without leaving the worksite.
  • Deloitte has designed a year-long buddy system between senior leaders and rising talent that measures results and holds coaches accountable for their mentees’ success.
  • Eli Lilly provides after school programs like science camp and math tutoring so that employees can hold demanding positions without leaving children at home. 

3. Deborah P. Majoras, General Counsel, Procter & Gamble

Inside Counsel, 2/17/15

LCLD Board Member Deborah Majoras discussses her varied career and diversity in the profession, especially with respect to women. “One challenge is that people who are in leadership positions often look for future leaders who are like them," she said. "In meeting the challenges, we should not make the mistake of trying to be someone we are not — I think being yourself and developing your own leadership style is critical, even if it may take a bit longer to gain acceptance.”