Compiled for the LCLD Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.
If you have questions about the Digest, or articles you'd like to share, please email Caitlin Puffenberger at
This week in news related to diversity and inclusion, surprising data on the number of female CEOs, FMLA leave is expanded to LGBT families, and the gender wage gap is largest in the legal profession.
1. Fewer Women Run Big Companies than Men Named John
The New York Times, 3/2/15
Fewer large companies are run by women than by men named John, an indicator that the glass ceiling remains firmly in place in corporate America. Women make up 4.1 percent of all CEOs of top U.S. companies; men named "John" make up 5.3 percent, and men named "David" 4.5 percent.
2. Diversity Training Myths Your Company Needs to Drop Now
Fast Company, 3/2/15
Many of the most common diversity practices may actually decrease inclusiveness among managers, according to a recent study of three decades worth of diversity initiatives. The study found:
- Making diversity training mandatory often backfires and can make management teams feel uncomfortable rather than inclusive.
- Targeting managers can send the message that a company is simply trying to avoid legal trouble, rather than build a positive environment.
- Implementing training for managers only can look like placing blame, rather than encouraging everyone to be inclusive.
- A more effective option is to find ways to get managers actively engaged in their company’s diversity efforts.
3. FMLA Leave Expanded to LGBT Families
Corporate Counsel, 3/2/15
The U.S. Department of Labor issued its final rule for enforcement of the Family and Medical Leave Act, which will expand the right to take unpaid and job-protected family and medical leave to all legally married LGBT couples. This means that legally married LGBT couples living in states where same-sex marriages are not legal are still eligible for FMLA leave, beginning March 27.
4. Behind Arquette's Oscar Speech: Hollywood's Pay Gap Looks a Lot Like Ours
The Wall Street Journal, 2/27/15
Actress Patricia Arquette made a plea for equal wages in her Oscar's acceptance speech, but according to Labor Department data, the disparity is hardly confined to Hollywood:
- The gender wage gap in the legal profession is the largest of all occupations for which the Labor Department publishes separate earnings for men and women. In 2014, female earnings in the legal profession made up 56.7% of male earnings.
- Close behind the legal profession were personal financial advisors, physicians and surgeons, and securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents.
- All women working full-time in the U.S. in 2014 earned 82.5 cents for every dollar a man earned.