Email announcements are sent to Fellows every Tuesday afternoon and feature program news and information, professional opportunities, and alerts of upcoming events to help you get the most out of your participation in the LCLD Fellows Program. These announcements will be archived on the website.
Questions? Please email Stephanie Uzel.
Did You Know?
LCLD Members shared their favorite books with Fellows in Chicago. Click here to see the full list.
2015 Fellow Dinesh Melwani was recognized as a U.S. Life Science Star by the 2015 edition of LMG Life Sciences. Read more here.
2015 Fellow Preston Young has been promoted to the position of Senior Attorney within IBM's Trust & Compliance organization.
2014 Fellow Marilyn McClure-Demers was one of six recipients of the Hispanic National Bar Association's Region X President's Award. The award recognizes those attorneys who are "Change Agents of Diversity Initiatives in the Legal Community." Click here to read more.
2014 Fellow Alicia Powell was named a "2015 Most Powerful and Influential Woman" by the National Diversity Council, in part for her diversity work.
2013 Fellow Kris Carey has been promoted to Senior Vice President and General Counsel – Beer Division at Constellation Brands, Inc.
2013 Fellow Heather Hubbard is currently booking Vision Board Workshops for December and January. The 3-hour workshp focuses on integrating personal and professional goals in a fun and creative way by creating vision boards for 2016. If your firm or company is interested in details and pricing, contact Heather at heather@thelanguageofjoy.com.
Fellows Dennis Hopkins and Obi Madubuko were named "Attorneys at the Top" by The Network Journal. Read more about their distinction here.
LCLD Member firm Huang Ybarra Singer & May LLP, founded by LCLD Fellows Katherine Huang, Joseph Ybarra, and Carlos Singer, was profiled in the Los Angeles Daily Journal. Read the full article here.
Keep up with other news in the LCLD community through the LCLD Weekly News Digest.
We would love to hear more from you about your volunteer activities in your community. Please send a summary of your efforts to 2012 Fellow Jin Liu at jliu@cfjblaw.com and Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com.
LEADERSHIP LUNCH - Newark, NJ: Dec. 7, 2015
Registration is now open for the Newark Leadership Lunch on December 7 hosted by Maureen Brundage, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Ethics Officer of The Chubb Corporation, and Patrick Dunican, Jr., Chairman and Managing Director of Gibbons P.C. Please email Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com to register. Fellows will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis.
LCLD is looking for Fellows to brainstorm the future for, review the curriculum of, and offer feedback on the Fellows and Pathfinder programs. If you are interested in attending, please email Stella Askin at saskin@lcldnet.com. We will take the first three law firm Fellows and the first three in-house Fellows who respond. Please note that LCLD will not be able to offer reimbursement for travel and or a conference call option for either meeting.
- Pathfinder Faculty Meeting: Office of Jenner & Block, Chicago, IL - Friday, Dec. 11, 2015, from 10-11:30 a.m.
- Fellows Faculty Meeting: Location TBD, Chicago, IL - Friday, Jan. 15, 2016, from 10-11:30 a.m.
The LCLD Program Development Committee's mission is to increase Fellows' interaction with other LCLD program participants and among each other, by organizing networking events and substantive programming. These events play an important role in keeping the LCLD family together.
Over the next year, you will receive emails from the committee asking for volunteers to lead and plan the following events:
• Group Mentoring Event with the Success in Law School Mentoring Program City Leads in November 2015
• Holiday Season get-together in December 2015
• Regional Roundtable in your city with a General Counsel or Managing Partner in February 2016
• Graduation Happy Hour for the 2015 Fellows in April 2016
• 1L Scholars Program Networking Event in June 2016
• Leadership Lunch Happy Hours throughout the program year
If you are interested in leading any of the above events in your city, please contact Paula Aguila at paguila@riveromestre.com.
FELLOWS ALUMNI MONTHLY CALL: Nov. 4, 2015, at 2 p.m. EST
2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 Fellows, please join the Fellows Alumni monthly call, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015, at 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The call-in number is 1.866.285.2458 and the passcode is 213.430.7828.
2013 FELLOWS CLASS CALL: Nov. 18, 2015, at 2 p.m. EST
Calls for the class of 2013 will begin to occur at 2 p.m. EST on the third Wednesday of the month. The remaining dates for 2015 are November 18 and December 16. The call-in number is 866-506-1416 and the passcode is 901 577 2159. If you have a suggested topic for discussion, submit it to Robert Tom at rtom@bakerdonelson.com or Anthony Sharett at asharett@bakerlaw.com by November 15.
Littler Mendelson, P.C. will be hosting a happy hour for LCLD Fellows (current and Alumni) at the upcoming NAPABA convention in New Orleans from 4:30-6:00 pm on November 7th at Public Belt (Second Floor of the Hilton Riverside). Please contact 2014 Fellow Judy Iriye if you are interested in attending the happy hour.
NEW YORK FELLOWS HAPPY HOUR - New York City, NY: Nov. 12, 2015
New York and New Jersey Fellows are invited to a happy hour hosted by Sheppard Mullin on November 12 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Maggie's Place, 21 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017. If you plan to attend, RSVP to Kersti Hanson at kersti.hanson@bankofamerica.com and Rena Andoh at randoh@sheppardmullin.com.
Baker & McKenzie's Washington, DC, office will host the Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession (IILP) for a symposium on the state of diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. The symposium will take place from 1-6 p.m. on Wednesday, November 11. It will be followed by a networking reception. Please click here for more information. Questions concerning the symposium should be directed to Sarah Miller or Floyd Mills.
The University of Colorado Law School will host the second Corporate Counsel Intensive Institute (CCII) Jan. 4-8, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. CCII is an intensive one-week course designed to immerse prospective or new in-house counsel in the best practices of being an effective and strategic in-house counsel. Two LCLD Members are leading the course: Susan Blount and Mark Roellig. Please click here for more information.
Assistant General Counsel: National Tobacco Company - Louisville, KY
Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position can be directed to Dave Johnson at djohnson@nationaltobaccocompany.com.
Estate Planning Partner: Frost Brown Todd LLC - Lexington, KY
Click here for the full job description. To apply, click here and use the "self-apply" feature.
Corporate Counsel, Transactions: Target Corp. - Minneapolis, MN
Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply.
Senior Counsel - Employment Practice Group: The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. - Pittsburgh, PA
Click here for the full job description.
Technology / Digital Attorney: McDonald’s Corporation - Oak Brook, IL
Click here for the full job description. For additional information, contact Suzanna Myers at Suzanna.myers@us.mcd.com or 678-504-5025.
Group General Counsel: DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc. - Nashville, TN, Denver, CO, and Los Angeles, CA
Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. For additional information, contact Cari Davidson at (615) 320-4259 or Carolyn.Davidson@davita.com.
Assistant Corporate Counsel: Campbell Soup Company - Camden, NJ
Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position can be directed to Jane A. Southall, Executive Director - Legal, at (856) 342-6083 or jane_southall@campbellsoup.com.
Deputy, Chief Legal Officer: Prudential - New York, NY
VP, Chief Counsel - Individual Life & Annuities: Prudential - Newark, NJ
VP, Chief Legal Officer, Individual Life Insurance: Prudential - Newark, NJ
VP, Corporate Counsel: Prudential - Shelton, CT, Iselin, NJ, Newark, NJ,
Director, High Tech Investigations Unit: Prudential - Newark, NJ
Director, Corporate Counsel: Prudential - Newark, NJ
Director, Government Affairs Policy Department: Prudential - Washington, DC
VP, Compliance: Prudential - Newark, NJ
VP, Compliance and Ethics Data Strategist/Analytics: Prudential - Newark, NJ
Director, Compliance: Prudential - Newark, NJ
Compliance Manager: Prudential - Newark, NJ
Click here for the Prudential job descriptions. Questions about the positions can be directed to LCLD.Job.Info@prudential.com.
Trademark Counsel: General Mills, Inc. - Minneapolis, MN
Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position can be directed to Heidi Hunt at Heidi.hunt@genmills.com.
To see listings for Associate and other positions, click here.
To post a job opportunity, please send the following information to Caitlin Puffenberger at cpuffenberger@lcldnet.com and Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com:
1. Title and location of the position
2. Contact information of individual to contact with additional questions about the position
3. PDF of the job description
Job Opportunities will remain in the Fellows Weekly Announcements for four consecutive weeks and then be removed. You may request one posting renewal for an additional four weeks. There is no cost for posting. Opportunities received in accordance with the policy prior to 5 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday will be posted in the Fellows Weekly Announcements released on the following Tuesday. Please note that Associate and lower-level positions are now posted in a separate, linked document.