In Austin, Texas, two of the largest classes in LCLD history helped the organization celebrate the first five years of the Fellows program, a period of rapid growth and refinement that began in New York City in March, 2011.

As their year-long program came to close, the 2015 Fellows held their third and final meeting before graduating, while the Class of 2016—at 227 Fellows, the largest class ever—met for the first time to embark upon an ambitious program of professional development, leadership training, and relationship building. 

The agendas for the concurrent meetings are available here (2015) and here (2016). 

The highlight of the event was an interactive Q&A session with Brad Smith, president of Microsoft Corporation and Chair of the LCLD Board for the past three years. He was interviewed at length by Robert Grey, president of LCLD. All 2015 and 2016 Fellows and the LCLD Board attended.

"We are incredibly excited about the diverse attorneys who are joining the LCLD Fellows program—and about the quality of these individuals," said Smith, in a statement released by LCLD. "There are now 1,027 Fellows in this ground-breaking program, and each one of them benefits from it. At the same time, they strengthen the profession itself, bringing fresh, dynamic perspectives to their organizations."

After graduation, all 2015 Fellows are invited to join LCLD's vibrant Fellows Alumni program, which hosts regional networking and educational events, mounts an annual conference for hundreds of Alumni, and organizes service projects in local communities around the United States. For more on the Fellows Alumni, click here.

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