The Fellows Alumni Survey is an annual request for feedback from LCLD Fellows, classes 2011 through 2016. The survey results are a critical piece of LCLD’s strategic growth and an important tool for tracking the impact LCLD’s flagship program has had on Fellows’ lives and careers. 

Most importantly, Fellows’ feedback helps LCLD position itself as a leader in lawyer development, so that Fellows can market themselves as some of the best trained, most sought after lawyers in the profession. 

Click here to take the 2017 Fellows Alumni Survey. 

Your feedback strategically grows the Alumni community. 

In last year’s survey, Fellows asked for more networking opportunities and better connections between Fellows Alumni and the current Fellows class. Combined with the rapid growth of the Alumni community and LCLD’s new regional efforts, that feedback led to the creation of two new LCLD staff positions to support future Alumni development.

Your feedback helps promote Fellows and Alumni programs to Members. 

The Fellows Alumni Survey gives LCLD the information we need to promote the Fellows Program with current, new, and potential LCLD General Counsel and Managing Partner Members. We also use this data to encourage LCLD Members to actively support Fellows’ involvement in Alumni activities. The Sustainable Partnerships program and Language of Leadership events are just two of the ways LCLD Members have increased engagement with Fellows Alumni this year.


Your feedback provides evidence of the long-term, positive impact of the Fellows Program. 

Fellows are building diverse networks, gaining organizational visibility, and taking on new leadership roles. The more LCLD can show that it is making a difference in Fellows’ career trajectories, the more the legal profession will identify “LCLD Fellows” as the best legal talent. 

This year’s survey includes additional questions on demographics that will give LCLD a better sense of who Fellows are and how LCLD can better serve them. LCLD will partner also with Robert Nelson, Director of the American Bar Foundation, to analyze the results of the survey. Conclusions and aggregate data will be shared with the LCLD Board of Directors and the broader LCLD community later this year.

Please note that all responses to the survey will be kept strictly confidential. LCLD will report only aggregate survey data and will not report results in categories small enough to allow any participant’s identity to be inferred. If you have questions about taking the Fellows Alumni Survey, please email Caitlin Puffenberger

Click here to take the 2017 Fellows Alumni Survey.