Compiled for the LCLD Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.
If you have questions about the Digest, articles you'd like to share, of if you would like to subscribe, please email Communications Specialist Caitlin Puffenberger at
1. National Leader Robert Grey Heralds Diversity Efforts in IU McKinney Speech
The Indiana Lawyer, 4/19/18
“The key to not losing momentum is making sure that after you do the hard work of building the talent pool, you’ve got something for them to do, a place for them to go, and a way for them to succeed,” said LCLD President Robert Grey at the James P. White Lecture on Legal Education.
2. What’s Working: Develop a Diversity Directory
LCLD Communications, 4/18/18
To build a truly inclusive law firm, it’s not enough to hire diverse attorneys—both clients and firm leaders have to know who they are and give them opportunities to do great work. A new resource from LCLD Member firm Reed Smith aims to fill that gap.
3. Survey Shows 27 Percent Pay Gap for Top Women Equity Partners
The American Lawyer, 4/19/18
One explanation for the pay gap is that women are less likely than men to be chosen to serve as lead partners—which harms their compensation, as originations account for more than 80 percent of equity partners’ pay.
4. The Female and Family Friendly Firms of 2018
Yale Law Women, April 2018
All of the top 10 female friendly firms and nine of the top 10 family friendly firms recognized by Yale Law Women are LCLD Member organizations.
5. Talent Management and the Dual-Career Couple
Harvard Business Review, May 2018 issue
Organizations miss out on top talent when their talent development models don’t accommodate dual-career couples; creating more flexible paths to leadership ultimately benefits everyone, writes Jennifer Petriglieri, Professor at INSEAD.
6. Diversity, Inclusion, and Culture: How to Build Great Teams
The New York Times, 4/19/18
“Diversity doesn’t usually exist if there isn’t a good team culture, and a strong team is a byproduct of diversity. If you’re wondering where to start on your team, start with culture,” writes Tessa Ann Taylor, Engineering Manager at The New York Times.
7. The Top Jobs Where Women Are Outnumbered by Men Named…
The New York Times, 4/24/18
There are fewer female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies than there are American men named James, accordingly to the Glass Ceiling Index, which tracks the men and women in important U.S. leadership roles.