Compiled for the LCLD Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.

If you have questions about the Digest, articles you'd like to share, of if you would like to subscribe, please email Communications Specialist Caitlin Puffenberger at

1. GM Has a Female CFO and CEO. That’s Rare. 


As of September 1, LCLD Member corporation General Motors is one of just two Fortune 500 companies with women in both the CEO and CFO roles.  

2. Using ArtificiaI Intelligence to Help Save Lives

Microsoft On the Issues, 9/24/18 

“By ensuring technology fulfills its promise to address the broadest societal needs, we can empower everyone to achieve more,” writes Brad Smith, LCLD Immediate Past Chair and President of Microsoft, of the company’s newest initiative. 

3. Most Powerful Women of 2018 

Fortune, September 2018 

Seventeen LCLD Member companies are represented on Fortune’s 2018 list of Most Powerful Women in the United States. 

4. What Does It Mean to Be an Inclusive Leader?

Harvard Business Review, 9/25/18

Inclusive leaders need a willingness to engage in tough conversations when necessary, awareness of bias, and cultural intelligence, says Terri Cooper, Chief Inclusion Officer at Deloitte. 

5. Women Rarely Run the Biggest Audits at the Big Four Accounting Firms

The Wall Street Journal, 9/16/18

“Only 11 percent of the engagement partners for the audits of S&P 100 companies are women,” according to a new report. This has repercussions beyond the financial industry; top accounting firms provide a pipeline of chief financial officers and other critical roles at public companies.