Compiled for LCLD Members and the Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.

If you have questions about the Digest, articles you'd like to share, or if you would like to subscribe, please email Communications Director Don Belt at

1. Americans See Advantages—and Challenges—in Growing Racial and Ethnic Diversity

Pew Research Center, 5/8/19

A recent study confirms that most Americans value diversity, including in the workplace, but few want employers to consider race or ethnicity in hiring and promotion decisions.

2. Seven Ways to Set Up a New Hire for Success

Harvard Business Review, 5/10/19

No one has a bigger impact on new employees’ success than the managers who hired them.

3. It’s Time to Stop Referring to Maternity Leave as “Generous”

Fast Company, 5/12/19

By referring to maternity leave as generous, we’re doling out unearned credit to reluctant employers in a country that lags far behind not just other industrialized countries, but the whole world.

4. Lawyers Are Uniquely Challenging Audience for Anti-Bias Training

Bloomberg Law, 5/13/19

Lawyers can be a tough audience, resistant to the idea that they might be behaving unfairly.

5. ‘Threatening the Future’: The High Stakes of Deepening School Segregation

The New York Times, 5/10/19

The 65th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education approaches on May 17, but fights over school segregation, rather than decreasing, are becoming more common.

6. Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance

Harvard Business Review, 12/2001

In this classic from our archive, organizational scientists remind us that the leader’s mood and behaviors drive the moods and behaviors of everyone else.

 Leadership. Action. Results.