Compiled for LCLD Members and the Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.

If you have questions about the Digest, articles you'd like to share, or if you would like to subscribe, please email Communications Manager Caitlin Puffenberger at

1. 2019 Diversity Scorecard Coverage

  • One of the chief take-aways from this year’s Diversity Scorecard: since 2011, black lawyers have seen both the slowest growth and the lowest levels of representation when compared with other minority groups among AmLaw 200 and NLJ 250 firms. The American Lawyer
  • Among the top 20 firms on the scorecard were LCLD Members Morrison & FoersterCleary GottliebDebevoisePaul HastingsMunger TollesOrrickFinneganKasowitz, and Shutts & Bowen. See the full list hereThe American Lawyer

2. 15 Minutes with MassMutual’s General Counsel

LCLD Member Mike O’Connor, General Counsel at MassMutual, discussed the company’s recent adoption of the in-house version of the Mansfield Rule, saying, “We’re going to hold our own feet to the fire.” Law360

3. Fortune 500 Boards Gain Female Directors

LCLD Member organizations General Motors and Viacom are among the six Fortune 500 companies with majority-female boards. Another six companies are at 50 percent. Fortune

4. MCCA Reports on 2018 Inclusion Index Survey

  • Inclusive leadership makes all the difference when it comes to supporting diverse attorneysaccording to MCCA’s most recent survey, more than 90 percent of those working for an inclusive leader feel they can be successful as their authentic self, compared with only 25 percent of others. MCCA
  • In-house counsel were more likely to say their workplace was fair, but reported lower average "voice and influence" and slightly lower "workplace respect" than law firm lawyers. Corporate Counsel

5. Seeing Lawyers in Crisis, Some Blame Billable Hours

Former lawyers—and a few law firms—consider how “scrapping allegiance to the traditional metric law firms use to judge performance and award compensation can improve attorneys’ health and lives.” 

6. There’s More to Gender Than “Man” and “Woman”

“I think the most important thing for managers, at the end of the day, is to ask,” says diversity consultant Lily Zheng in a conversation about her research into gender diversity in the workplace. “It’s very simple. Ask your gender-diverse employees how you can help.” Harvard Business Review