Compiled for LCLD Members and the Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.

If you have questions about the Digest, articles you'd like to share, or if you would like to subscribe, please email Communications Manager Caitlin Puffenberger at

1. Diversity Has Become a Booming Business. So Where Are the Results?

True change “requires incumbent leaders to change their behavior and practices,” says Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation. “It means that institutions have to change incentive structures and to fundamentally interrogate their own behavior.”  TIME

2. Women in the Workplace: Fixing the “Broken Rung” 

  • For every 100 men promoted or hired into their first management position, only 72 women are given the opportunity to take the same step, according to new research from Lean In and McKinsey.  Lean In 
  • These critical “broken rung” positions include any role with management responsibility for other individuals—the kind of jobs that start the pathway to director, vice president, and then the corner office.  Fortune
  • A few ways companies can close the first-promotion gap: hold managers accountable for increasing gender parity, distribute opportunities more fairly, and use inclusive “nudges.”  The Wall Street Journal

3. Marilyn McClure-Demers Leads with a Pure Heart

2014 Fellow Marilyn McClure-Demers shares her top 10 leadership strategies, which recently helped her lead a legal transformation at Nationwide.  Modern Counsel

4. 5 Ways Traditional Law Firm Culture Burdens Lawyers of Color 

Firms fail their attorneys of color when they focus PR support solely on rainmakers, assume traditional methods of networking and business development work for everyone, and don’t compensate attorneys for diversity-related activities.  The National Law Review

5. The Challenge of Retaining Top Young Talent for Law Firms (And Not Breaking the Bank) 

What perks do young attorneys really want? Meaningful work, involvement in decision-making processes, and opportunities for origination credit.  Daily Business Review

6. Study: Diversity in Ads Correlates to Gains in Revenue, Brand Perception 

According to a recent study of diversity in advertising, brands with the most diverse ads saw an average stock gain of 44 percent over a seven-quarter period, and those with the highest overall diversity had 83 percent higher consumer preference.  Marketing Dive