Compiled for LCLD Members and the Board of Directors every Wednesday, this digest is designed to brief you on the latest headlines about LCLD Members and organizations, as well as thought-provoking articles on diversity in the legal profession, talent development, mentoring, and leadership. Past issues of the Digest are also archived on the LCLD web site.
If you have questions about the Digest, articles you'd like to share, or if you would like to subscribe, please email Communications Manager Caitlin Puffenberger at
1. Hogan Lovells Launches Crisis Team to Tackle 'Modern Problems'
LCLD Fellow Lillian Hardy leads a new, highly-diverse practice group at Hogan Lovells designed to help in-house counsel manage and lead through crises. Bloomberg Law
2. How to Get More White Men to Support Diversity and Inclusion Efforts
“Being a straight white man gives you enormous insight and expertise into how your organization works for other people like you,” writes D&I consultant Lily Zheng. “It’s your job as a leader to figure out what it’s like for other people and make sure everyone has a positive experience.” Harvard Business Review
3. Healthy Workplace Discussions of Diversity: Acknowledging and Addressing Unconscious Bias
“How confident are we that we are selecting, promoting and supporting the very best personnel for our organization’s benefit unless we have done everything in our power to minimize the impact of our own unconscious biases on our own operations and management?” writes Todd Harris, lawyer and professor at Georgetown University Law Center. The National Law Review
4. Innovations in Diversity and Inclusion at Littler Mendelson
“The commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace comes from the top of the firm,” says Natalie Pierce, Co-Chair of Diversity & Inclusion at LCLD Member firm Littler Mendelson. “It is this permission to be bold that gives us the courage to break orthodoxies, and I think some of our best initiatives have been launched with that mindset.” The Recorder
5. On Gender Workplace Imbalances, Man’s Myth is Woman’s Reality
- A recent study found major “perception gaps” between men and women concerning gender imbalances in the workplace and how life events impact women’s careers. Morning Consult
- When men don’t believe women face unique challenges at work, they’re unlikely to facilitate change, says Ruti Levtov, Director of Research, Evaluation, and Learning at Promundo-US. Morning Consult
6. LISTEN: Sponsorship: Defining the Relationship
A sponsorship researcher and a pair of lawyers in a sponsorship relationship share insight into how to navigate the relationship, and what both individuals and organizations can do to better support them. Harvard Business Review
7. Companies Falter in Making Diversity and Inclusion a C-Suite Job
In a recent study, just 1 percent of S&P 500 companies had C-suite D&I officers, and 56 percent had no one in charge of D&I at all. The Wall Street Journal