Email announcements are sent to Fellows every Tuesday and feature program news and information, professional opportunities, and alerts of upcoming events to help you get the most out of your participation in the LCLD Fellows Program. These announcements will be archived on the LCLD website.  

Questions? Please email Stephanie Uzel.


Did You Know?  
Alumni, this is your last chance to make an annual contribution to show that you're "All In!"

2016 Fellow Emily Cuatto was named among the "Southern California Stars Up-and-Coming 100" and "Up-and-Coming 50 Women." She was also listed as a "Rising Star" in the field of Appellate Law. Read more here and here

2015 Fellow Renee Dotson-Gill is now Senior Counsel at 3M Company.

2015 Fellow Mark Kressel was named among the "Southern California Rising Stars Up-and-Coming 100." He was also listed as a "Rising Star" in the field of Appellate Law. Read more here

2015 Indira Sharma was named a 2016 "Very Important Professional Successful by 40" by The Daily Record. Read more here.  

2014 Fellow Margaret Chu Ikeya is now Deputy General Counsel, Chief Commercial Counsel at GE Digital.  

2014 Fellow Effie Silva was named one of the "Top 50 Women Lawyers in Florida" by Super Lawyers 2016

2013 Fellow Mara Garcia Kaplan is now Director Counsel at Target Corporation.  

Keep up with other news in the LCLD community through the LCLD Weekly News Digest. If you are interested in receiving the News Digest in your inbox each week, email Caitlin Puffenberger at cpuffenberger@lcldnet.com and ask to be added to the list.   


We would love to hear more about your volunteer activities in your community. Please send a summary of your efforts to 2012 Fellow Jin Liu at jliu@cfjblaw.com and Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com.  


In the video above, Fellows Alumni Executive Council Chair, Jason DeJonker, and Immediate Past Chair, Zohra Tejani, explain the importance of making your $125 contribution to the "All In!" campaign. As the campaign closes this Thursday, June 30, we urge you to invest in the future of the Fellows Alumni program. Broken down by the percentage of Fellows Alumni per class that has contributed, the competition is fierce--the Classes of 2012 and 2014 are tied for first place, and the Classes of 2011 and 2013 are tied for second place! Your participation will decide which class wins in the end. 

Click here to go "All In!" today. If you have any questions, contact Patrice Jean at patrice.jean@hugheshubbard.com or Jason DeJonker at jason.dejonker@bryancave.com.  


LEADERSHIP LUNCH - San Francisco, CA: August 9, 2016

Registration is now open for the San Francisco Leadership Lunch on August 9, 2016, hosted by Joe Conroy, Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Cooley LLP, and Salle Yoo, General Counsel of Uber Technologies, Inc. Please email Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com to register.


CHICAGO FELLOWS HAPPY HOUR:  Chicago, IL - July 12, 2016

Chicago-Area LCLD Fellows, Alumni and Friends are invited to a Happy Hour on Tuesday July 12 at 5:30pm at City Winery Riverwalk, located on the Chicago River between Dearborn and State.  This is an informal event so please arrive early as space may be limited.  If you cannot make it on July 12, save Wednesday, August 3rd for the next Happy Hour.  Please contact 2016 Fellow, Keikoh Park, with questions.


Fellows and Scholars in the Houston area are invited to a Graduation Happy Hour and mixer on Thursday, July 14, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Lawless Spirits & Kitchen (909 Texas Ave. Suite 2A, Houston, TX). Cocktails and appetizers will be served. For details or to RSVP, contact 2015 Fellow Aparna Dave at aparna.m.dave@wellsfargo.com

DC AREA NETWORKING LUNCH: Washington, DC - July 19, 2016  

Fellows in the Washington, DC area are invited to attend a networking lunch with 1L Scholars on July 19 from 12-1 p.m. The event will be held at Cooley's Washington DC office as 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 700. Click here to register, and direct any questions to Amie Santos at asantos@cooley.com



The LGBT Bar's Annual Lavender Law Conference and Career Fair will be held August 4-6 at the Renaissance Washington DC Downtown Hotel. Click here to register and to see the program agenda. 


2013 Fellow Heather Hubbard has developed a new female partner retention program for firms committed to retaining and promoting their top female talent. Growth Accelerator is a 9-month group coaching program with a 4-day opening retreat at Miraval Resort in Arizona. Each class is limited to 12 female partners from AmLaw 250 firms with 1-3 years of partnership. Deposits are due by June 10, 2016. Click here for more details. 

VISITING WOMEN EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE PROGRAM: Yale University School of Management - September 11-15, 2016 

The Visiting Women Executive Exchange Program at the Yale School of Management addresses the most challenging professional step for women -- the leap to top management. Over one week, senior women managers from Africa and North America are prepared for transformational C-suite, board room, cabinet, and university leadership through intensive instruction in critical skills needed to think strategically, make better decisions, grow organizations, and lead diverse teams in a 21st century environment. The program runs Sunday, September 11, through Thursday, September 15, with a fee of $8,950. There is a discount for those who apply by May 1. For more information, please contact VWEEP Program Manager Zachary Avine at 267-251-5901 or zachary@careernation.comClick here to register. 


Director Counsel, Intellectual Property: Target - Minneapolis, MN 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Patent Technical Specialist/Patent Agent Trainee: Dentons US LLP - San Diego, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. Questions about the position can be directed to Colleen McNulty at colleen.mcnulty@dentons.com

Associate Counsel:  The Vanguard Group - Malvern, PA

Click here for the full job description.  Questions about the position may be directed to Jaliya Faulkner at jaliya_faulkner@vanguard.com.

Associate General Counsel, Oculus Ecosystem: Facebook - Menlo Park, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Assistant General Counsel: Microsoft Corp. - Redmond, WA 

Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position may be directed to Valerie Tam at valtam@microsoft.com

VP, Deputy Chief Legal Officer, Annuities and Individual Life Insurance: Prudential - Shelton, CT 
VP, Corporate Counsel: Prudential - Multiple locations
VP, Corporate Counsel - ERISA: Prudential - Newark, NJ 

Click here for the full job descriptions. Questions about the positions may be directed to LCLD.Job.Info@prudential.com

Special Counsel: Littler Mendelson P.C. - Multiple locations
FlexTime Attorneys: Littler Mendelson P.C. - Multiple locations

Click here for the full job descriptions, and click here to apply. 

Vice President and Deputy General Counsel: US Anesthesia Partners - Dallas, TX (preferred); Houston, TX; or Denver, CO 

Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position may be directed to Sheryl Posey at sheryl.posey@usap.com

Corporate Counsel: US Anesthesia Partners - Dallas, TX 

Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position may be directed to Sheryl Posey at sheryl.posey@usap.com

Lead Counsel, Network Infrastructure: Facebook - Menlo Park, CA or Washington, DC 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Lead Counsel, Infrastructure (Real Estate): Facebook - Menlo Park, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Commercial Counsel, Inbound & Development: Facebook - Menlo Park, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Lead Compliance Counsel, EHS: Facebook - Menlo Park, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Lead Commercial Counsel, Connectivity: Facebook - Menlo Park, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Associate General Counsel, IP/Commercial: Facebook - Menlo Park, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Counsel, Payments & E-Commerce: Facebook - Menlo Park, CA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. 

Real Estate Counsel: McGuire Woods LLP - Dallas, TX

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. Questions about the position may be directed to Tamara Fairhurst at tfairhurst@mcguirewoods.com

Senior Corporate Counsel - Interline Brands, Inc.: The Home Depot - Jacksonville, FL 

Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position may be directed to Linda Seal or Schwanda Winston

Corporate Counsel - Interline Brands, Inc.: The Home Depot - Jacksonville, FL

Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position may be directed to Linda Seal or Schwanda Winston

Counsel, Mortgage: PNC Financial Services - Pittsburgh, PA 

Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position may be directed to Kristin Bennett at kristin.bennett@pnc.com or 412.762.9795. 

Attorney, Applications and Services Group: Microsoft Corp. - Redmond, WA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. Questions can be directed to Valerie Tam at valtam@microsoft.com

Senior Patent Attorney: Microsoft Corp. - Redmond, WA  

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. Questions can be directed to Nasiroh Trodep at nasiroht@microsoft.com.  

Attorney, Office of Legal Compliance Programs Team: Microsoft Corp. - Redmond, WA 

Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. Questions can be directed to Valerie Tam at valtam@microsoft.com

To see listings for Associate and other positions, click here


To post a job opportunity, please send the following information to Caitlin Puffenberger at cpuffenberger@lcldnet.com and Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com

1. Title and location of the position

2. Contact information of individual to contact with additional questions about the position

3. PDF of the job description 

Job Opportunities will remain in the Fellows Weekly Announcements for four consecutive weeks and then be removed. You may request one posting renewal for an additional four weeks. There is no cost for posting. Opportunities received in accordance with the policy prior to 5 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday will be posted in the Fellows Weekly Announcements released on the following Tuesday. Please note that Associate positions will no longer be posted in the Fellows Weekly Announcements after July 1, 2016.