Email announcements are sent to Fellows every Tuesday afternoon and feature program news and information, professional opportunities, and alerts of upcoming events to help you get the most out of your participation in the LCLD Fellows Program. These announcements will be archived on the website.
Questions? Please email Stephanie Uzel.
Did You Know?
You can see the names of the Fellows Alumni who lead the Fellows Alumni Executive Council and Committees on the LCLD website.
2015 Fellow Karla Haynes is now Associate General Counsel, Global Trade Compliance at Facebook Inc.
2015 Fellow Monica Neuman was named by the Boston Business Journal as a 40 under 40 honoree for 2015.
2015 Fellow Sergio F. Oehninger recently published the following articles in Inside Counsel, Risk Management Magazine and Law360: Policyholder Obtains Coverage for $80M Settlement Reached Without Insurer’s Consent; Retaining Insurance Coverage in the Face of Late Notice and Misconduct Exclusions ; and Fact Questions May Save Duty to Indemnify Claims in Massachusetts.
2015 Fellow Darren Teshima was named as one of NAPABA’s Best Lawyers Under 40 for 2015.
2014 Fellow Purvi Patel was selected for inclusion in the 2016 edition of The Best Lawyers in America for Privacy and Data Security Law.
2011 Fellow Cyndie Chang is the incoming President-Elect of NAPABA (the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association). She will be sworn into office at the Installation Banquet held on Nov. 7, 2015, during the 27th Annual NAPABA Convention in New Orleans.
Keep up with other news in the LCLD community through the LCLD Weekly News Digest.
We would love to hear more from you about your volunteer activities in your community. Please send a summary of your efforts to 2012 Fellow Jin Liu at jliu@cfjblaw.com and Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com.
The LCLD Program Development Committee's mission is to increase Fellows' interaction with other LCLD program participants and among each other, by organizing networking events and substantive programming. These events play an important role in keeping the LCLD family together.
Over the next year, you will receive emails from the committee asking for volunteers to lead and plan the following events:
• Pathfinders and Fellows event in September-October 2015
• Group Mentoring Event with the Success in Law School Mentoring Program City Leads in November 2015
• Holiday Season get-together in December 2015
• Regional Roundtable in your city with a General Counsel or Managing Partner in February 2016
• Graduation Happy Hour for the 2015 Fellows in April 2016
• 1L Scholars Program Networking Event in June 2016
• Leadership Lunch Happy Hours throughout the program year
If you are interested in leading any of the above events in your city, please contact Paula Aguila at paguila@riveromestre.com.
The Fellows Advocacy Groups Program is an eight-month cycle in which Fellows divide into groups of five and work together to promote one another's careers. Advocacy Groups meet regularly by phone in order to discuss how each Fellow can best meet his/her career goals. Group members also take steps to assist by sharing learning resources, making introductions, and other favors that might assist a Fellow.
If you would like to participate in the Advocacy Groups Program Cycle III, you must sign up by Friday, September 25. The program will begin in October. Click here to sign up and click here to access an audio file with more details on the program. Direct any questions to Fellows Michael Bryant-Hicks or Lica Tomizuka.
Join Houston-area Fellows for a roundtable on October 6, 2015 featuring 2012 Fellow Soham Naik, General Counsel of Marubeni-Itochu Tubulars America Inc. Contact Yvette Gatling at YGatling@littler.com for more information.
2015 IPO ANNUAL MEETING - Chicago, IL: Sept. 27-29, 2015
The annual meeting of the Intellectual Property Owners Association will be held September 27-29 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel at 151 East Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL. Click here for more information about the event. If you plan to attend, contact 2014 Fellow Amy Ahn-Roll at ahnroll.ai@pg.com.
ACCENTURE NETWORKING SESSION - Washington, D.C.: Oct. 7, 2015
Mike Cammarota, Associate General Counsel of Accenture, is hosting a networking session on Wednesday, October 7, from 6-8 p.m. at Baker & McKenzie's Washington, D.C. office. The purpose of the session is to expose a more diverse population to career opportunities with Accenture's legal team. For more information and to RSVP, click here.
TEXAS MINORITY COUNSEL PROGRAM SAVE-THE-DATE RECEPTIONS - Multiple Texas locations: July 22-Oct. 16, 2015
The Texas Minority Counsel Program (TMCP) invites all LCLD Fellows to this year’s conference and Save-the-Date Receptions in various cities across Texas. TMCP is a client development, networking, and CLE event for diverse attorneys in Texas and across the country. TMCP Save-the-Date Receptions are networking receptions held in major cities throughout Texas during the months leading up to the annual conference. These receptions provide an excellent opportunity to network with local legal professionals while learning more about the TMCP. Click here for the list of upcoming receptions or contact 2015 Fellow Travis Torrence at travis.torrence@shell.com with questions.
Antitrust and Tax/ERISA Attorney: Bricker & Eckler LLP - Columbus, OH
Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position can be directed to Patricia M. Lach at plach@bricker.com.
Senior Counsel, Labor & Employment: Morton Salt, Inc. - Chicago, IL
Click here for the full job description. Questions about the position can be directed to Mandy Laesch at mlaesch@mortonsalt.com.
Multiple positions, including Deputy, Chief Legal Officer; VP, Chief Legal Officer; VP, Chief Counsel; VP, Corporate Counsel; Chief Compliance Officer: The Prudential Insurance Company of America- Multiple offices
Click here for the full job descriptions. Questions about the positions can be sent to LCLD.Job.Info@prudential.com.
Associate Counsel: Investure, LLC - Charlottesville, VA
Click here for the full job description, and apply by emailing careers@investure.com. Questions about the position can be directed to Melissa Gardiner at MGardiner@investure.com.
Senior Traditional Labor Attorney: Fisher & Phillips LLP - Dallas, TX
Click here for the full job description, and click here to apply. Questions can be directed to Meredith Bell at mbell@laborlawyers.com.
Litigation Counsel III: Medtronic - Fridley, MN
Click here for the full job description. For further information, contact Stacy Johnson at 763-505-2977.
Associate Corporate Counsel: Arthrex, Inc. - Naples, FL
Click here for the full job description and to apply. Questions about the position can be directed to Christopher Lin at Christopher.Lin@Arthrex.com.
To see listings for Associate and other positions, click here.
To post a job opportunity, please send the following information to Caitlin Puffenberger at cpuffenberger@lcldnet.com and Stephanie Uzel at suzel@lcldnet.com:
1. Title and location of the position
2. Contact information of individual to contact with additional questions about the position
3. PDF of the job description
Job Opportunities will remain in the Fellows Weekly Announcements for four consecutive weeks and then be removed. You may request one posting renewal for an additional four weeks. There is no cost for posting. Opportunities received in accordance with the policy prior to 5 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday will be posted in the Fellows Weekly Announcements released on the following Tuesday. Please note that Associate and lower-level positions are now posted in a separate, linked document.